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What is Regenerative Cotton

What is Regenerative Cotton

All around the world, land has been eroded and degraded due to monocultural farming and harmful agricultural practices such as deep-tilling and excessive chemical use. These practices have left areas barren, polluted waterways, and endangered communities. Additionally, they contribute to climate change, as lands that once sequestered carbon are now releasing more carbon than they store. 

At Neem, we aim to produce the most environmentally friendly cotton possible. Partnering with Soktas, we have developed 100% Regenerative Organic Certified™ cotton that is traceable back to the farm and adheres to the highest organic standards. This cotton regenerates and builds the soil, protecting and nurturing the life within it by working with nature rather than against it. 

What is regenerative cotton


Regenerative cotton farming is guided by five key principles: 
  1. Minimise Soil Disturbance: This is achieved through reduced tillage agriculture, which lessens the amount of carbon released from disturbed soil and allows for the regeneration of organic matter below the topsoil.
  2. Maximise Crop Diversity: Greater diversity in crops results in greater root depth diversity within the soil, leaving more organic matter in the soil as these plants decompose.
  3. Keep the Soil Covered: These practices protect the soil from various threats, including wind and water erosion, compaction, and weed growth, while maintaining evaporation rates and soil temperatures. In England and Wales, the estimated annual costs of soil degradation total between £0.9–1.4 billion.
  4. Maintain Living Roots Year-Round: The presence of plants and active roots within the soil is crucial for optimal soil health and structure, as they provide energy for the biological processes within the soil.
  5. Integrate Livestock: Introducing grass leys and pastures allows the land longer rest periods to regenerate and recover, building soil fertility and improving microbial diversity through grazing and organic manure application.

What is regenerative cotton

Regenerative cotton fabric is the revolutionary outcome of a multi-year research and development project. At Neem, sustainability is our top priority, and we are constantly seeking innovative ways to reduce the fashion industry's environmental impact. Our new collection, launching in summer 2024, features this regenerative cotton, celebrated for its soft touch, lightweight feel, and low impact.



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